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Aeronoise - Measurement and analysis systems to characterise the aerodynamic noise of high-speed trains - Technical Report: Benchmark Studies

Ed. no.1| June 2022
Format: Téléchargeable

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Passing high-speed trains produce sound that can have a negative impact on the nearby population. Sound is generated by a combination of sources including rolling motions, aerodynamics and propulsion systems. With increased speed, aerodynamic noise (aeroacoustics) from the pantograph, body aerodynamics and the bogie area become dominant. At present, the prevailing trend is to deploy high-speed trains, resulting in growing concerns regarding their potential noise impact. Accordingly, the need for better identification, evaluation and control of aerodynamic noise sources has emerged. It is within this context that the AERONOISE project was conceived. Participating members of the AERONOISE projects are ADIF (SPAIN), BANENOR (NORWAY), HS2 (UK), SNCF (FRANCE), SŽ (SLOVENIA) and TRAFIKVERKET (SWEDEN).

The delivery partners for this project are SENER (SPAIN) and ISVR Consulting (UK).

The main goal of the AERONOISE project is to inform and create novel measurement and analysis approaches to characterise the aerodynamic noise of high-speed trains. The project aims to develop an improved method of measuring the noise emissions of high-speed trains, allowing compliance with specific requirements regarding the aerodynamic sources to be demonstrated.

Author UIC
ISBN 978-2-7461-3196-5
Pages 64

Fiche technique

Ed. no.1
Date d'édition
Date de publication
Nombre de pages