The Harmonised Commodity Code (NHM) is based on the international Harmonised System (HS) used to describe and code goods in international trade and was published by the World Customs Organization (WCO). It also contains railway-specific content in chapters 27, 98 and 99.
The NHM forms an important basis for conducting international freight traffic. It ensures both a uniform and compatible commodity code and therefore facilitates the compilation, comparison and analysis of data exchanged between customers, railway undertakings (RUs) and administrative bodies. At the same time, it assists the RUs in monitoring the market.
The NHM enables tariffs to be differentiated based on the type of commodity, and contributes to the harmonisation of the tariff systems used by RUs.
For freight with the properties of dangerous goods the "Regulations governing the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail" (RID) will predominate and must be observed. There is no reference to the respective UN numbers in the NHM.
It integrates in full or in part the following UIC leaflets:
- UIC Leaflet 221
It aims to complement the following standards:
- the Harmonized Commodity (HS) of the World Customs Organization
- the Combined Nomenclature (CN) of the EU Taxation and Customs Union
- Regulations governing the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID)
Auteur |
978-2-7461-3063-0 |
Pages |
20 |
Fiche technique