Through its Noise and Vibration Sector (NV), the International Union of Railways (UIC) works with its members to better understand noise-generating sources in railways in order to make tangible progress towards being a better neighbour. The UIC NV Sector’s vision is to provide a platform for global dialogue with a common goal to better manage noise emissions, and to integrate sustainability into railway operations and maintenance.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Low-Cost Noise Control by Optimised Rail Pad (LOWNOISEPAD) project, which focused on evaluating rail pad performance in reducing noise emissions during train pass-bys. The project involved extensive measurement taking and analysis of various rail pads across different test sites and rolling stock types. Additionally, a software tool was developed to visualise and assess the project results, allowing for changes in noise emission to be estimated when rail pads are changed. The report highlights the influence of rolling stock, operational procedure, temperature, and wheel/rail roughness on noise reduction. It also recommends the future testing and optimisation of rail pads to further enhance noise mitigation efforts.
Author | UIC |
ISBN | 978-2-7461-3311-2 |
Pages | 108 |
Data sheet