
2022 Global Rail Sustainability Report

Ed. no.1| March 2023

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The 2022 Global Rail Sustainability Report is the first document of its kind produced by UIC. It shows the effort, results, performance and perspectives of the rail community towards the aim of fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations (UN) for the Agenda 2030 and sustainable mobility more broadly.

This report is the synthesis of certain global and regional stories which provide an overview of how railways are supporting urgently needed climate action within the transport sector, in order to deliver the Paris Agreement’s climate goals. Through collaboration with the UIC Sustainability Platform members and key partnerships, the report shows the progress that the rail sector has made in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, told through case studies and insightful analysis, which are all backed by evidence collected by UIC and its partners. Finally, it constitutes an open invitation for all rail companies across the globe to share data and help establish the contribution of rail.

Author UIC
ISBN 978-2-7461-3259-7
Pages 52

Data sheet

Ed. no.1
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