541-4/E/6-PDF English

Brakes - Composite brake blocks - General conditions for certification and use

Ed. no.6| November 2020

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This leaflet is subdivided into two parts, mentioning the general conditions for tread brakes with composite brake blocks in part I and the use of composite brake blocks in part II.

Part I describes the required properties of the composite brake blocks, their friction coefficients and geometrical requirements and furthermore the mechanical, physical and chemical features for both organic and sintered composite brake blocks.

In addition, the procedure for issuing a UIC label according to UIC Leaflet 541-00 for composite brake blocks and the related test programmes and acceptance criteria to be complied with are described.

This UIC procedure is intended to usefully apply the expertise of UIC experts in assessing braking components via the award of a UIC label. In order to avoid duplication of work, this certificate may then be used by accredited or notified bodies to underpin their own work.

The procedure for issuing a UIC label only involves the assessment of safety aspects for the suitable use of the brake blocks and specifies their scope of application (for example 1 x Bg, 1 x Bgu, 2 x Bg, 2 x Bgu, wheel diameter, etc.). The mandatory in-service tests are necessary to guarantee the safe behaviour of the product during operation and provide only limited information about the LCC for each particular type of use. UIC labels are not issued for specific use of a brake block on a particular vehicle (UIC Leaflet 541-00).

Part II describes the general conditions for the use (integration and maintenance) of composite brake blocks, including conditions and recommendations for actual in-operation situations.

Brake blocks and test benches which comply with the provisions of this leaflet are listed on the UIC website.

Definitions, test methods and measurements to be performed complete the leaflet.


Data sheet

Ed. no.6
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